Thursday, July 18, 2013

Passion & privilege

How do passion and privilege coincide with each other? How do two separate and different things connect? Do they connect at all? 

Passion, a thing you cant go one day not thinking about. Something that you love so dearly that when you do it the ground beneath you disappears as every thought turns into to serenity.

Privilege, feeling as though you have the right to have this, do this, or say this. Looking down upon differences and feeling higher than most.

How can something so beautiful and something so ugly be brought into one?

Im guessing the privileged  are passionate. They have a passion for what their opinions. They have a passion for how they feel about certain things. Maybe they might even have passions for things like art and music. But their passion is given simpler than others im guessing. Maybe because they feel they deserve the feeling of passion? Maybe because they just THINK they are passionate.

In any case, I guess you can find passion anywhere. In the good and the bad. Passion is all around us. Its just the way passion is created and what we are passionate for that makes us different than others.

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