Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Into The Wild; Intersecting our direction

Although I have yet to finish the book, I have noticed so far the passion of this guy. Its different. Although he may be looked at as a lazy guy, someone who never did much in school or work, I think he was that way for a reason. HE knew exactly what he wanted.

Education is important , that is what is instilled in us from day one. Work hard in school to receive a paper that says you are allowed to work. That tells the world that you were accepted by a school to be able to make a living. I think Chris knew this. His views on it just wasn't like others. Things were being handed to him left and right for him to continue in school, for him to work hard. But he didn't take it. He didn't follow society's ways. Maybe he just wanted to find his own way, maybe he just knew what society was trying to force him to do.

I think Chris was passionate about life. Not so much the way of life where all you do is work and school, like what most of us do but i think he was passionate on the fact of living and not having to be told the way he should live. The strain society puts on us all causes this country to just be a big blob of stress and anxiety disorders. Expectations, expectations, expectations. "Live the american dream". But what is the American dream? Is there even one?

Chris knew exactly what he wanted and what he was doing. Maybe he didn't want to live by the rules that are put on us from day one. He probably just wanted to LIVE. No judgments  no criticisms , no identity, just life. That's all he wanted. Why should it matter who Chris was, just as long as we know he lived and what he did was all that he wanted.

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